My Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Review through Smiley360., and Super easy Crab Cakes with Steamed Veggies Recipe.
When I'm in the mood to cook, and have ingredients that I love to eat.. I totally cook with love. I received a $10.00 Walmart Giftcard, and Bottle of Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil to try, and review through Smiley360 Blogger Circle. I had to make up a recipe, and incorporate the Oil into it, while also using my $10.00 Giftcard for ingredients.
I already had the seasoning, eggs, and red onions. So I splurged and bought the Broccoli heads $2/2, and the Baby Bella Mushrooms $1.50. The rest of the money I used to buy Blue Crab meat in the Refrigerated section near the Fresh Seafood, and Cut Meat.
- (2 heads) Broccolli
- 1 package of Baby Bella Mushrooms
- (2 medium sized) Red Onions
- Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- (2) Large Eggs
- Italian Bread Crumbs
- Old Bay
- Pepper
- True Lemon Powder
- Garlic Powder
- Soy Sauce
- 2 Non-Stick Frying Pans

- First Wash, and prepare your Veggies. Doesn't really matter, just cut them to your liking. Set aside til you are ready to steam.
- You'll need to add 2 tsp of Italian Bread Crumbs ( I don't add a lot of breading.) 1/2 tsp of Old Bay, 1/2 tsp Garlic Powder, 1/2 tsp Pepper, 1/2 tsp Garlic Powder to the bowl you'll be adding the Crab Meat to.
- Open the Crab, and break the already picked pieces into the bowl with the dried herbs.
- Crack the 2 eggs into the bowl with the Crabs, and dried herbs.
- Work the Crab into patties. (I make the patties, and sit mine onto parchment paper while the frying pan gets ready.) The best way I can explain on how to make the perfect crab cake is, you know how when you roll clay into a ball into your hands? Work the Crab meat like that. Once its a ball, press it between your hands just enough to give it a flat patty shape. If it's too wet, add more bread crumbs, if it's too dry, add more egg.
- Coat your pan with Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It's pretty thick (Which is GREAT.) so I take a paper towel and coat the pan all the way around before it becomes too hot. Don't be scared to use a lot of Olive Oil. It doesn't over power the food, and fries up nicely. So coat it like you want something fried.
- Take your freshly made patties, and ONLY put them in the pan when the pan is Hot, if you put them in the pan while the oil is still cold.. what's the point in frying? It turns food soggy. So let the pan heat up some.
- Let the Patties fry for a few minutes(goto step 9. but come back here in a few minutes.) in a 2nd pan while this fries.) before checking with a spatula to see if anything is sticking, just slide the spatula under the patty, move the patty some ( My pans awesome, I usually just have to shake the pan.) While still on high, flip the patties over to the other side, and let that side fry on high for a few minutes too. You can drop the heat down to Medium after that.
- While the patties are frying, start your veggies. Coat the pan with Olive Oil, Pour the Fresh Veggies in, I also like to add just a little bit of water so the veggies steam some while in the pan. Add 2 tsp of the True Lemon Powder, 1/2 Pepper, and As much Soy Sauce as your little heart desires. I don't cook with salt because for one, The Old Bay has sodium in it that I used for the Patties, and the Soy Sauce I use is Low Sodium.
I was very pleased with how the Oil fried, and the food tasted.
Interested in trying Pompeian Olive Oil too? Check them out on the Smiley360 page, and print a $1.00 off coupon! Good food + Saving money = My Weakness.
I received product to facilitate a review for being a Smiley360 Blogger.