Thursday, June 28

KLUTCHClub, Get Ready For Summer Review & Giveaway

The month of Mays Get Ready for Summer KLUTCHclub was sponsored by Bright Pink, a nonprofit organization for preventention and early detection of breast & ovarian cancer. I think that was such a great cause, and really, well worth the subscription price to be a supporter of Bright Pink.

This is for my ladies out there, Here are Five Easy Steps To Do A Self Breast Exam. Prevention really is key, and we do need to be healthy in all aspects of life. Just because you think you're fine doesnt mean you are, you should still get yearly exams.

There was "More Than $100 of Products To Get You Ready!" in this months box.

First thing I tried when I opened the box was the ONE Coconut Water. Coconut water is full of electrolytes, and vitamins. I didn't like the coconut water warm, so I put the remaining into the fridge. Once it was cold, it wasn't bad, I could taste the sweetness, warm made it taste bitter.

Then I tried the Think Thin protein bars, The Chocolate Dipped Mixed Nuts Crunch Bar was just amazing, and had 10g of protein, and 4 grams of fiber. The Chunky Peanut Butter Bar had 20 grams of Protein, and 5 grams of fiber. They were a great treat with half the calories of a candy bar. Both bars were full of nuts, and did not taste at all like they were "overly" healthy for you. I would love to try more of the Think Thin bars.

I've been using the Hydroxatone’s Instant Effect 90 Second Wrinkle Reducer for a couple weeks now. My skin feels tighter, and I would like to believe I don't look thirty yet. It is softer, my face is glowing, and all I've been doing is washing, and using the serum.

Also in the kit there were digital $25.00 giftcards to Moving Comfort sports bras (Two of them, One for you, and one to share with a friend), also a YOGA Download for a free class.

The subscription price for a month for Klutch Klub is $18.00, that's not a bad price, considering you get giftcards, downloads, beauty products, and healthy snack alternatives. 10% of what was made went back to

Mays box was wonderful, I am also excited to announce I get to do a giveaway for one lucky follower! You can too try KlutchClub.

Only open to US, Residents.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received this box for free to write a review for. Receiving it free, did not sway my opinion on the box.

.Return To Life According To GreenVics.

Saturday, June 16

DIY, Easy Patio Planter.

If you live in an apartment complex that has just patios, and a small area near your front door or walkways this would be perfect.

Start off with a biggest, big, medium, small, smallest working up, Fill with soil, and pack it in tight so that the center where you stack the pots don't cave in. Then plant around the outside of each layer, You could do flowers, Or Even herbs, Maybe strawberries. Also wait when the Garden Center items are on clearance and you can really make this patio garden stacker happen at an extremely low price.

Friday, June 15

Winner? Never Know Unless You Enter!

I am one of many sponsors in this Summer Goodies Group Giveaway, This ring is what I have picked out to give to one of my lucky followers.

Good luck, and anyone in the US can enter.

.Enter More Of My Giveaways.

Wednesday, June 13

Bare Fruit Apple Cinnamon Chips Review.

You can read my full review for Bare Fruit Apple Cinnamon Chips here. They were DELICIOUS. Go read more! And tell me what chips, or fruit you'd like to try. Also enter to win a case of Bare Fruit snacks from Bare Fruits themselves, Good luck!

Fun fact for Bare Fruit Snacks: The 14oz Bag of Cinnamon Apple Chips have 30 whole apples in them.

Monday, June 4

My Morning Breakfast Routine.

These are the ingredients to my breakfast, Sometimes the fruit choice changes, but usually it's always the same ingredients.


1/2 cup of Milk (I usually use Soy, or Almond)

1/2 cup of Frozen fruit (today it was Blueberries)

1 serving of 60g Mocha Protein. It's just a scoop.

3 tsp of Instant coffee (I love coffee)

1 tsp chia seeds (gives it a nutty flavor, also great source of fiber)

If you are worried about calories in your breakfast you really shouldn't be, The milk, and fruit have about 100 calories a piece, and the protein powder has 170. So to be FULL, and have your source of vitamins for the morning on just 370 calories is a GREAT breakfast.

You should really give this a try for a week. It really is healthy, and keeps your body fueled.