Monday, November 28

BzzAgent GreenVics for Krogers Private Selection

BzzAgent Greenvics reporting for BzzCampaign Kroger Private Selection.

I woooo'd outloud when I received my bzzkit today, not only were there coupons for $2.00 off to give my family and friends, there were three Free Private Selection Brand coupons. Along with a really nifty Oven Mitt. LOVE, LOVEE! The choices that Kroger has for their Private Selection lines. I was blown away by the options. These are good quality products I would completely consider purchasing again.

Honestly I haven't been shopping at Krogers like I used to, not since they stopped doubling coupons here in Columbus, Ohio, off Bethal Rd., I used to go in weekly, and buy things, and get great catalina deals. I did not know about Krogers Private Select brand til I was offered this campaign. When I checked out, It printed a 3.00 off your next shopping trip catalina too, I smiled so big, and the cashier asked me where did I get the coupons, and I had my bzzagent kroger booklet so I let her look through it. I don't mind the weird looks I get when I tell strangers I'm a BzzAgent, the really curious ones will go home and goto

I picked out a variety of things to try.

Private Selection Pizza(Used Free Coupon), Pepperonni & Roasted Garlic. Even the box made it look delish, The crust was a little thick for me, I love thin crust, and the box said it was thin and flaky, everything else was right on tho. I could taste the stravecchio parmesan, the perlini mozzarella, just enough basil, and fire roasted garlic seasoning. I wish the veggie one would have had chicken on it. Haha. That one looked really good too.

Private Selection Appetizers (Used Free Coupon), SPANAKOPITA, Yes, I had to write it in Caps, IT was BEYOND DELICIOUS, and FLAKY, and I shouldn't have shared this w/the husband. I can completely say this was by far my favorite. It was just perfect. I had never had phyllo dough, and now its just.. I want more. The combination of spinach, cottage cheese, feta, onion and dill were blended just right. Also, there were 12 in the box! 12~, a whole dozen. Awesome Kroger, AWESOME.

Private Selection Desert (Used Free Coupon),Miniature Vanilla Cream puffs, 30 puffs! I'm in love with these things, I sprinkled cinnamon sugar over mine. I'm still eating them now, ahaha. Type a few, pop another.. type some more.. Mmm.

I couldn't make up my mind about desert, and appetizers so I also bought Petite Quiche Collection, You receive 9 mini quiches, ranging from classic quiche lorraine, spinach florentine quiche and mushroom quiche. I'm not a fan of pie size quiche, but I do love the mini's. The spinach was my favorite. Loved how buttery and flaky the quiche crusts were on each too. Deserts were hard to choose from too, so I bought a 2nd one, The Blueberry Peach Panna Cotta just kept calling my name, so it got thrown in the cart as well. I haven't tried that one yet, but who can go wrong with vanilla custard, and sweet fruit tarts.

Now since I've tried a variety, I would use the appetizers at my holiday parties, even birthday parties, the quiches would be great for my sisters baby shower. So would the cream puffs, and pizza. I could cater the party really cheap too, people would think i spent alot of time, and money. Theyd be great for lazy dinner days too, or movie nights.

I really did enjoy not having to cook dinner tonight. If any one wants some $2.00 off Private Select coupons just email, or txt me.

Melissa & Doug Cyber Monday.

I love Melissa & Doug. They have been doing giveaways on their facebook every hour, and annoucing the winners right away. They are always fast to respond, and you can tell their customer service is above & beyond all other toy companies out there. Check them out for Cyber monday on their facebook, from this link here, Melissa & Doug On Facebook.
Or you can use these promo codes, one or the other, at,
Here is my little man sitting in a Melissa & Doug teddy bears lap. I can't wait til he's big enough for a trunki!

Sunday, November 27

Mad love for Plum District.

I got this great deal from buying a giftcard/voucher with plum dollars from plum district for hautelook when it was available. There's always a great deal at plum. They even do % off, and referral programs. I've been saving my plum dollars all year, and decided to use them yesterday because they were also doing a 40% off for small buisness saturday.

And then this Omaha steak deal I got completely free because of saving the plum dollars, and using it at the perfect time. Sometimes it's better to hold onto things until the right opportunity comes along. This goes for coupons too, I do this all the time waiting for that perfect sale, or gift card/store catalina deal to emerge.

Thanksgiving! Thank you Nestle.

I had my first thanksgiving as a married mama that cooked at home. I love to cook, and what made it even better, Nestle sent me a thanksgiving kit. Again, thank you el Mejor Nido.

Baby Sy ate 2 plates! Melts my heart creating memories/tradition.

We made the hand turkeys ourselves out of construction paper. The itty bitty hand turkeys are just too cute. I'm putting one of mine, and one of his in his baby book too w/the pictures. He's a hand turkey destroyer tho, ahaha. He cracks me up.

I had a blast combining my first thanksgiving with nestles kit. I would never had decorated like that, or had the extra help if it wasn't for Nestle. Companies like Nestle that care this much, and do such cute things for us everyday people have my complete and utmost respect. Below is what I applied for, it's closed now.

I can't wait til next Thanksgiving, I have so many ideas, and Sy will be almost 2! Well, come on Christmas this year first!!! The grinch hats came this week. Which I am also super stoked about. I'm doing a bzzcampaign soon for Meijers photo, and I want to take some pics of the baby in his Grinch hat to get made into an 11x14 canvas print.

He's being a ham here, and not the grinch, maybe I will get him to sit still next time!

Wednesday, November 23

BzzSmarterer, not tonight by BzzAgent greenvics

This is bzzAgent Greenvics, for buzzcampaign Smarterer, you can check out the website at, sign up, and see if you can beat my scores. It's competitive between friends, lol.

Tonight has got to be the lowest score I've ever received for the bzzcampaign for the Smarterer website. Maybe its because the husbands home, and chatting away in my ear. But either way, I totally sucked tonight answering the questions. I'm pretty ashamed to even post my score, so here it is.

Don't laugh ;( I'll do better next time! I will touch up on my bzzagent info, and study! I was in the 700's beginning of the week. I MUST do better! It's on SMARTERER, oh ITs on YOURE GOING DOWNERERER.

Here are a list of tests you can challenge your knowledge on at the site,

your blogging skills: Blogger test Facebook test Flickr test Twitter test WordPress test Tumblr Test And many more!

bzzagent greenvics for Krogers Truly Awesome Cookies.

BzzAgent greenvics reporting ;) , Recently I received two boxes of cookies through a bzzcampaign, and some coupons for friends. I loved these cookies. I actually had just bought some name brand cookies that were chocolate w/chocolate chips with a thin layer of fudge in the middle, and I liked the Krogers truly Awesome chocolate chip cookies better.

The box states that chocolate chip cookies are the #1 ingrediant, and I agree! They had quite a bit of chips through out, and there were on the thick side. I did dip mine in milk later after the baby and I enjoyed the first couple. They were soft enough, and melted in your mouth so that they were extremely easy to consume.

I did notice it says they are 120 calories a serving, and one cookie is a serving, but the cookie is pretty thick/full of chips so I am not dissapointed by serving size. I really don't care about the calorie intake when it comes to me splurging on a cookie.

I didn't taste the "real butter", not sure if its because it just tasted like chocolate chip cookies to me, but I really don't think that, and the serving size needs to be printed on front of the box, If people are curious they will read the back. Also, it might make people not want the cookies if they are scared off by the number before even trying them.

Did I mention I love cookies?

please don't tell me how many calories each cookies iz til after I eat a few and turn over to the back. ;(

Monday, November 21

bzz Bzz goes Agent Greenvics & side kick Puppyface for Hills Science Diet.

I received my free 4 lb bag of Hills Science Diet Ideal Blend for fur kids that are older than 7 years old today Via UPS man. It's all part of my BzzCampaign.
Today is officially the first day of the diet change. I'd like to tell you about my oldest son, He's a long haired Chihuahua, and almost 11 years old now. Despite his puppyface, and temperment of acting like a little baby still. He is getting up there in age, and I give him the adult blended food for all its vitamins. He's always had a nice winter coat, so I cant wait to see what Hills Science does for it. I'll do weekly blog updates, and pictures of course.
He's already ate some out of my hand, so he isn't sticking his nose up at the change. I just wish it was softer, and easier for him to chew, He's had dental work done in the past, and he is getting up there in age. I have to make it softer for him to actually eat it.

I'm so excited I get to bring the fur child in on the excitement too. He's been feeling left out since the baby came, even tho he is NOT. This will take some time to write a review for.

Here is also some info from Nutrition Center for optimizing your pets help.