Sunday, November 27

Thanksgiving! Thank you Nestle.

I had my first thanksgiving as a married mama that cooked at home. I love to cook, and what made it even better, Nestle sent me a thanksgiving kit. Again, thank you el Mejor Nido.

Baby Sy ate 2 plates! Melts my heart creating memories/tradition.

We made the hand turkeys ourselves out of construction paper. The itty bitty hand turkeys are just too cute. I'm putting one of mine, and one of his in his baby book too w/the pictures. He's a hand turkey destroyer tho, ahaha. He cracks me up.

I had a blast combining my first thanksgiving with nestles kit. I would never had decorated like that, or had the extra help if it wasn't for Nestle. Companies like Nestle that care this much, and do such cute things for us everyday people have my complete and utmost respect. Below is what I applied for, it's closed now.

I can't wait til next Thanksgiving, I have so many ideas, and Sy will be almost 2! Well, come on Christmas this year first!!! The grinch hats came this week. Which I am also super stoked about. I'm doing a bzzcampaign soon for Meijers photo, and I want to take some pics of the baby in his Grinch hat to get made into an 11x14 canvas print.

He's being a ham here, and not the grinch, maybe I will get him to sit still next time!

Wednesday, November 23

BzzSmarterer, not tonight by BzzAgent greenvics

This is bzzAgent Greenvics, for buzzcampaign Smarterer, you can check out the website at, sign up, and see if you can beat my scores. It's competitive between friends, lol.

Tonight has got to be the lowest score I've ever received for the bzzcampaign for the Smarterer website. Maybe its because the husbands home, and chatting away in my ear. But either way, I totally sucked tonight answering the questions. I'm pretty ashamed to even post my score, so here it is.

Don't laugh ;( I'll do better next time! I will touch up on my bzzagent info, and study! I was in the 700's beginning of the week. I MUST do better! It's on SMARTERER, oh ITs on YOURE GOING DOWNERERER.

Here are a list of tests you can challenge your knowledge on at the site,

your blogging skills: Blogger test Facebook test Flickr test Twitter test WordPress test Tumblr Test And many more!

bzzagent greenvics for Krogers Truly Awesome Cookies.

BzzAgent greenvics reporting ;) , Recently I received two boxes of cookies through a bzzcampaign, and some coupons for friends. I loved these cookies. I actually had just bought some name brand cookies that were chocolate w/chocolate chips with a thin layer of fudge in the middle, and I liked the Krogers truly Awesome chocolate chip cookies better.

The box states that chocolate chip cookies are the #1 ingrediant, and I agree! They had quite a bit of chips through out, and there were on the thick side. I did dip mine in milk later after the baby and I enjoyed the first couple. They were soft enough, and melted in your mouth so that they were extremely easy to consume.

I did notice it says they are 120 calories a serving, and one cookie is a serving, but the cookie is pretty thick/full of chips so I am not dissapointed by serving size. I really don't care about the calorie intake when it comes to me splurging on a cookie.

I didn't taste the "real butter", not sure if its because it just tasted like chocolate chip cookies to me, but I really don't think that, and the serving size needs to be printed on front of the box, If people are curious they will read the back. Also, it might make people not want the cookies if they are scared off by the number before even trying them.

Did I mention I love cookies?

please don't tell me how many calories each cookies iz til after I eat a few and turn over to the back. ;(

Monday, November 21

bzz Bzz goes Agent Greenvics & side kick Puppyface for Hills Science Diet.

I received my free 4 lb bag of Hills Science Diet Ideal Blend for fur kids that are older than 7 years old today Via UPS man. It's all part of my BzzCampaign.
Today is officially the first day of the diet change. I'd like to tell you about my oldest son, He's a long haired Chihuahua, and almost 11 years old now. Despite his puppyface, and temperment of acting like a little baby still. He is getting up there in age, and I give him the adult blended food for all its vitamins. He's always had a nice winter coat, so I cant wait to see what Hills Science does for it. I'll do weekly blog updates, and pictures of course.
He's already ate some out of my hand, so he isn't sticking his nose up at the change. I just wish it was softer, and easier for him to chew, He's had dental work done in the past, and he is getting up there in age. I have to make it softer for him to actually eat it.

I'm so excited I get to bring the fur child in on the excitement too. He's been feeling left out since the baby came, even tho he is NOT. This will take some time to write a review for.

Here is also some info from Nutrition Center for optimizing your pets help.

Sunday, November 20

1saleaday, e-reader for $34.99 free s/h

1saleaday is always doing some kind of awesome sale. I bought a droid tablet for $59.99 last week, and this week I found a killer deal  incase anyone has one on their list, it does books, images, Mp3s! And it's just $34.99.

Kroger 11/21 ad has Fisher Price toys on sale.

With Christmas coming up, and people running around crazy because of black friday next week I'd rather find deals like this at krogers. Some of their fisher price toys are on sale for $4.99. Also Fisher Price releases printable coupons online sometimes. You just have to have your printer ready. There may also be some coupons there you can use at another store that takes manufacture coupons. More than likely if you have a young child in your family, you will end up buying something like this anyways. You might as well get some cash off.

Crowdtap, and many others to join.

You want to know how I get my opinion heard..? What sites I personally use, below are all of them. Nothing in life is completely free, you do have to put your time, and effort into signing up, but it is worth it, the open, and endless possibilities of everyday items meaning more because your feedback matters.

Crowdtap has been one of my favorites. You get to do surveys, invite friends to join, test products. It really is fun, and interesting leaving feedback for things you'd normally not try. I love this. Also, you earn various badges. I like the fact you go to different webpages sometimes, and actually get to chose thumbs up, or down for the information. You also have the option if you want to take action and apply. If 5 friends join, you get 5.00, It takes 10.00 to cash out, and you get an amazon e-gift card to use at, also, when you sign up you get to pick which charity you want a percentage donated to, you could even donate it all if you wanted to.

I've been doing this site a few months, and I've cashed out, and donated already.

Also, a lot of other sites offer rewards for getting five friends to sign up. Who doesn't know 5 people? It isn't a pyramid scam, because no one is scamming you to buy anything. And you do things at your own pace. I just tell people always check your email, and keep your surveys for the sites up to date.

If these kind of sites interest you, you should check out:

Stumbleupon, they also reward you for referring friends, and earning points. For these sites you always have to confirm your email, so check your inbox for the confirmation letter. Once you get that, you can start sharing too. At Stumble upon you can make $10.00 Amazon Gift cards for every 5 people that sign up.

Jingit, Jingit is a new idea that whatever cents you make from watching videos you can actually transfer to a prepaid Visa card. I just started using this one, and its easy to top out at what I am allowed to earn for the week. You can make an easy 5.00 weekly. That can translate to an extra 20.00 a month to spend on whatever you want.

This is exactly what Jingit looks like. It's my screen shot from watching ads today.

These are all sites I personally use too. And I am proud to be part of their network. I really don't see why some people can spend hours online, hours chatting, but when it comes to things that makes sense to me, like supplying feedback for high demand companies.. I'd rather do that. I love that my opinion matters.

You can check out my other blogs for information about Smiley360, and BzzAgent, All programs I am apart of.

I've been doing a lot of online shopping at:

Plum District you can earn money, and use it towards giftcards at featured sites. I've got orders that were 140.00 for 12.95 before. I Paid 12.00 for the e-giftcard, then used some promo codes, and after I added what I wanted to checkout my total was .95 cents.

Hautelook is also another site that has really good deals. Sometimes Plum district sells these giftcards half off, and you can use them for whatevers on the site. I've bought some really cheap items from here too.

Also I'd like to point out, I don't do any of this to make a living, I do what I do to get my voice heard, and to get great deals on things that can be had at those prices! That's what coupons/promo codes/and rewards are for!