Tuesday, March 19

Arctic Zero, Whole Pint 150 Calorie Frozen Dessert Snack!

Seriously how can I feel guilty indulging in a 150 Calorie a PINT Coffee Frozen Dessert Snack?! I can't! It falls into the calories for the 2 snacks I'm allowed to have a day.  There is 2 g's of fiber, and 3.4g's of protein.  Calcium 2%.  It's also fat, and gluten free.

Taste .. FANTASTIC.  The Coffee is one of my favorite Arctic Zero Flavors.

You can find Arctic Zero on Facebook, Twitter, and even buy in Bulk off Amazon if the store locator has none in your area.  These are great snacks, and if you are like me, I love a variety of goodies,  I like that I can still have choices for better alternatives.

Instead of having something sweet as a dessert later tonight after dinner, I will have a bag of low cal Nutrisystem Chips instead.